
揚智科技(Ali Corporation)今日宣布,2024年上半年公司本業表現亮眼,實現17%的成長,主要受益於客戶庫存水位恢復正常以及國際體育賽事帶來的換機需求。此外,運營商訂單能見度增長,帶動機上盒業務穩定增長,並且去年開始投入的ASIC設計業務也已經接單,對今年營收做出顯著貢獻。



隨著AI技術的迅猛發展,揚智科技積極推動邊緣AI應用,推出完整的邊緣AI SOC產品線,覆蓋智慧家庭、智慧城市與智慧安防等應用領域。這些產品採用內建智能AI中控器,無需上網即可快速處理數據,不僅提升了反應速度,還保障了隱私安全,並可學習使用者習慣,提升用戶體驗。


作為領先的機上盒(STB)晶片供應商,揚智科技宣佈與智慧電視和機上盒授權應用供應商ACCESS 與NetRange達成戰略合作。此一合作達成機上盒行業的一個重要里程碑,通過ACCESS 與NetRange雲端流覽器解決方案整合到揚智的即時操作系統(RTOS)機上盒平台,將傳統機上盒轉變為具有視頻點播(VoD)與OTT功能的智慧機上盒。

揚智科技RTOS平台與ACCESS和 NetRange Twine Micro Client解決方案相結合,滿足了市場對綜合流覽器與應用解決方案在機上盒平台的關鍵需求。此一整合使用戶能直接通過自家的機上盒訪問多樣性之線上內容與服務,提供身臨其境和豐富的觀看體驗。揚智與ACCESS和 NetRange的合作,有望為兩家公司開闢眾多商業發展機會。憑藉揚智在機上盒市場的卓越影響力,全球銷售超過4000萬顆STB SoC,以及ACCESS與NetRange先進技術和內容產品,運營商現在可增強其服務組合,在不斷變化的市場環境中保持競爭力。


ACCESS CO., LTD 執行長Kiyo Oishi評論道,此次合作不僅受益于揚智廣泛的覆蓋面和先進技術,還為ACCESS與NetRange打開了接觸更多機上盒用戶的新管道。例如在拉美、東南亞和非洲等傳統機上盒仍占主導地位的地區,NetRange的解決方案可為終端使用者提供變革性的體驗。通過此次合作,揚智科技和ACCESS與NetRange將推動機上盒行業的創新和增長,滿足運營商和終端使用者不斷發展的需求。隨著進入拉美、東南亞和非洲等有潛力未開發市場,為機上盒市場的進一步發展與成功奠定了基礎。


作為領先的機上盒(STB)晶片供應商,揚智科技宣佈與智慧電視和機上盒授權應用提供商ACCESS NetRange達成戰略合作。這一合作標誌著機上盒行業的一個重要里程碑,通過將ACCESS NetRange的雲端流覽器解決方案整合到揚智的即時操作系統(RTOS)機上盒平臺,將傳統的機上盒轉變為具有視頻點播(VoD)和OTT功能的智慧機上盒。


揚智科技的RTOS平臺與ACCESS NetRange的Twine Micro Client解決方案相結合,滿足了市場對綜合流覽器和應用解決方案在機上盒平臺上的關鍵需求。這一整合使用戶能夠直接通過他們的機上盒訪問多樣的線上內容和服務,提供身臨其境和豐富的觀看體驗。揚智和ACCESS NetRange的合作有望為兩家公司開闢眾多商業發展機會。憑藉揚智在機上盒市場上的卓越影響力,全球銷售超過4000萬顆STB SoC,以及ACCESS NetRange的先進技術和內容產品,運營商現在可以增強其服務組合,在不斷變化的市場環境中保持競爭力。






此次合作不僅受益于揚智廣泛的覆蓋面和先進技術,還為ACCESS NetRange打開了接觸更多機上盒用戶的新管道。例如,在拉美、東南亞和非洲等傳統機上盒仍占主導地位的地區,NetRange的解決方案可以為終端使用者提供變革性的體驗。通過此次合作,揚智科技和ACCESS NetRange將推動機上盒行業的創新和增長,滿足運營商和終端使用者不斷發展的需求。隨著有潛力進入拉美、東南亞和非洲等未開發市場,為機上盒市場的進一步發展和成功奠定了基礎。


揚智科技宣布新一代 DVB-S2X/ DVB-C STB SoC F6P進入量產,瞄準印度、中東、非洲和南美及拉丁美洲市場。全新F6P SoC配備了最新的S2X衛星解調器,支援高效視訊編碼(HEVC)和以太網,並實現了低功耗和卓越的EMC/ESD性能,可以滿足全球各付費電視營運商的高級安全接收系統 (CAS) 的嚴格要求。借助揚智完整的向後相容的軟體開發套件,ODM 可以縮短開發時間並輕鬆自訂應用程式。F6P通過將ACCESS NetRange的雲端流覽器解決方案整合到揚智的即時操作系統(RTOS)機上盒平臺,將傳統的機上盒轉變為具有視頻點播(VoD)和OTT功能的智慧機上盒。儘管配備了豐富的功能和特性,F6P 經過精心架構和設計,是一個非常經濟高效的新一代解決方案。


揚智科技總經理陳嘉修表示:「公司長期以來一直是零售和付費電視機上盒 SoC 設計的領先創新者。 F6P 利用先前成功的設計組件使其具有極高的成本效益。營運商和零售商都可以加快產品上市時間,並為其客戶提供豐富的觀看體驗。這款新一代 DVB-S2X/ DVB-C SoC F6P 預計將於 2024 年第四季進入市場。


揚智科技是數位多媒體領域領先的無晶圓廠 SoC 系統單晶片 (SoC) 設計公司、支付和零售機上盒 (STB) 市場領先的 SoC 供應商,也是基於智慧連接和智慧行動 SoC 的公司解決方案提供商。揚智科技的業務遍及全球,與全球 400 多家營運商合作,在廣播機上盒市場保持領先地位。揚智科技擁有先進穩定的系統及單晶片SoC和軟體平台,幫助客戶提供市場上性價比和可靠性最佳的產品。


揚智新一代 F6P 平台的推出預計將成為客戶 HD Zapper 機上盒的無縫升級版。目前,該產品已獲全球多家一級運營商採用,相信該項目將通過更高的效率和更好的性能為運營商盈利做出貢獻。


Taipei, Korea – September 7th , 2023 –KX INTEK, a leading Set Top Box manufacturer with its strong focus on DVB Pay TV and IP-based solutions, and ALi corporation announced RB Cloud Smart STB on top of its legacy HD STB platform at IBC 2023.


KX Intek legacy HD STB based on ALi HD chipset family enables users to quickly access to OTT, VOD, games, apps, online shopping, TV Commerce and many more entertainment services through RB Cloud TV platform, provided by SK Planet, a subsidiary of SK group in South Korea.


The emergence of powerful OTT services in multiple devices is nowadays growing, seeking for survival amidst competition in the Pay TV industry. This trend toward everyday customer's use has led to the innovation of combining OTT with linear TV services at glance.


KX Intek HD legacy STB with SK Planet RB Cloud TV Platform and ALi Corporation’s powerful system on chips can now allow the TV operators to be up to date ensuring the improvement of the new generation entertainment services to meet the needs of the market, generate more revenue from legacy HD STB adding various value added services and reduce churn rate dramatically.


Jong-sub No, CEO of KX INTEK said, “The concept of legacy HD STB has changed. Our HD Zapper STB has been upgraded, making it possible to offer an optimized visual experience and smart features interaction through the advancement of RB Cloud TV Platform. I strongly believe that it will contribute to profitability and TV service expansion of pay TV operators. It is my pleasure to announce the partnership between KX Intek, Inc, and ALi Corporation to enhance our STB performance to deliver the most optimum and reliable service.


Sean Cheng, CEO of ALi Corporation said, “ALi has led this Zapper market and a long-established reputation in Pay TV SOC design with the most cost optimized STB solution. Operators continuously seek not only the cost effective solution but also smarter ways of integration the best of OTT and broadcast contents in their existing offering. This will let us bring additional valued service to the existing operators also to enrich their expectations for a cloud based solution for legacy and entry level IP connected. We’re very pleased to collaborate with KX Intek and SKP to make a journey to develop new business opportunities in this world wide Pay TV eco system.


KX Intek at IBC

For more information, please visit the KX Intek booth in Hall 1, F71


ALi Corporation at IBC

To see KX Intek running on ALi chipsets at IBC, please visit the ALi balcony suite in Hall 1, BS19



About KX Intek 

KX INTEK, a subsidiary of KX Group, is Korea firm that offers a comprehensive family of powerful DVB-T/C/S and IP Hybrid Set-top-box featuring an unprecedented combination of stylish design and solid performance at affordable prices with proven quality. Staying in step with today's active lifestyles, KX Intek will continue to expand our cutting-edge H/W & S/W technologies, delivering a range of popular products catering to a wide variety of consumer and commercial customers.


About ALi Corporation

Founded in 1987, ALi Corporation (TWSE: 3041) is a leading System-on-Chip design company for digital multimedia. We are devoted to providing a total solution featuring security, price-performance, high integration of hardware and software, and low power consumption. We rank among the three leading vendors of payTV and retail set-top-box market and are a worldwide leader in the field of multimedia audio chipset. ALi Corp. successfully developed our own operating system; our mature process technologies enabled us to support the integration of heterogeneous architecture and the design of acceleration platform with software and hardware compatibility. Moreover, the cooperation with the mainstream Conditional Access System (CAS) venders made us capable of highly penetrating the ecosystem of payTV and retail globally, providing the value-added multimedia services for hundreds of operators with superior security protection.

In 2019, with the enterprise spirit to pursue innovation and excellence, ALi Corp. launched an intelligent computing platform “ALiIN” for wise indoor applications based on our core competences of existing IP portfolios and security technologies as well as our innovative approach of the self-developed AI neural network processing engine. We developed three turnkey solutions including the platforms of smart display, smart mobility and smart voice. ALi Corp.’s solutions optimize the original industry value chain and make contributions to intellectualizing the life of smart home, office, factory, etc., and help our partners go to the markets quickly and effectively. Our current products include the mirror dongles, pico projectors, robot vacuum cleaners (RVC) and the various home appliances with voice control, which are already certified by well-known brand customers. To embrace the coming age of 5G, Internet of things, and big data, we will incorporate a cloud-channel-device framework into our“ALiIN”platform. By developing comprehensive synergies between our products, ALi Corp. will be able to provide the one-stop integration service for the chip, front-end, algorithm and platform, initiating the great indoor living with light intelligence through our fast and friendly innovation momentum.





19-08-2024 Hits:387 2024-媒體中心 HR - avatar HR

台北,2024年8月19日—— 揚智科技(Ali Corporation)今日宣布,2024年上半年公司本業表現亮眼,實現17%的成長,主要受益於客戶庫存水位恢復正常以及國際體育賽事帶來的換機需求。此外,運營商訂單能見度增長,帶動機上盒業...

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揚智科技, ACCESS 與 NetRange聯手將雲端視頻…

03-07-2024 Hits:629 2024-媒體中心 HR - avatar HR

作為領先的機上盒(STB)晶片供應商,揚智科技宣佈與智慧電視和機上盒授權應用供應商ACCESS 與NetRange達成戰略合作。此一合作達成機上盒行業的一個重要里程碑,通過ACCESS 與NetRange雲端流覽器解決方案整合到揚智的即時操...

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揚智科技將雲端視頻點播 (VOD)帶入智慧機上盒市場

07-06-2024 Hits:926 2024-媒體中心 Mavis - avatar Mavis

作為領先的機上盒(STB)晶片供應商,揚智科技宣佈與智慧電視和機上盒授權應用提供商ACCESS NetRange達成戰略合作。這一合作標誌著機上盒行業的一個重要里程碑,通過將ACCESS NetRange的雲端流覽器解決方案整合到揚智的即時...

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揚智新一代DVB-S2X/ DVB-C SoC F6P將於2…

07-06-2024 Hits:1263 2024-媒體中心 Mavis - avatar Mavis

揚智科技宣布新一代 DVB-S2X/ DVB-C STB SoC F6P進入量產,瞄準印度、中東、非洲和南美及拉丁美洲市場。全新F6P SoC配備了最新的S2X衛星解調器,支援高效視訊編碼(HEVC)和以太網,並實現了低功耗和卓越的EMC/...

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KX Intek and ALi Corporation s…

07-09-2023 Hits:2457 2023-媒體中心 Mavis - avatar Mavis

Taipei, Korea – September 7th , 2023 –KX INTEK, a leading Set Top Box manufacturer with its strong focus on DVB Pay...

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